Georgia-based standards are as follows:
of Standards - the Standards and Metrology registered by the standard, which may be adopted,As an international or regional standards based on the relevant technical committee;
international / regional organization's standards - Standardization of international / regional organizations (iso, iec / cen,cenelec) obtained by the standard that can be adopted in Georgia standards.
Interstate standards (GOST) - which is used in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Georgia March 13, 1998, the Heads of State and Government tnamegobrobis "Standardization,Certification and Metrology of the agreed policy of "basis.
An internal standard - Code of the entity's internal standards of product safety and the free flow develops, approves and registers the enterprise,Such a standard does not require a state agency to registratsvias. The enterprise is responsible for the company's internal standards, developed by the Georgia Legislature.